Knifeman who murdered motorcyclist in Brixton has sentence reduced > 자유게시판

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Knifeman who murdered motorcyclist in Brixton has sentence reduced

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작성자 Hulda
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-09-20 10:44


A man who murdered a motorcyclist in front of his victim's girlfriend by stabbing him in the chest as he took part in a music video shoot has been granted a reduction in the minimum time he must spend in jail before being considered for release.

Brandon McNeil, 20, 유로247코드 was handed a life sentence with a minimum of 24 years after admitting murdering Shane Jerome, 23, in Brixton, south London, in July 2021.

Three appeal judges have now reduced that minimum term to 20 years and 247 days.

McNeil, who was 18 when he stabbed Mr Jerome to death, argued in his appeal that the minimum term imposed by Judge Sarah Munro at the Old Bailey in May 2022 was too long.

Barrister Rajiv Menon KC, who represented McNeil, argued that Judge Munro had not given enough weight to mitigating factors, including McNeil's age and the fact that he had been the victim of human trafficking.

Brandon McNeil, 20, who received a life sentence for murdering Shane Jerome, 23, in Brixton, South London in 2021, has had his minimum term reduced to 20 years and 247 days

Scaffolder Shane Jerome, 23, was knifed to death outside Brixton station in south London as he took part in a music video shoot while his girlfriend Seleka Gathercole looked on in horror






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Appeal judges Lord Justice Warby, Mr Justice Garnham and Judge Andrew Lockhart upheld his appeal against sentence after considering the case at a Court of Appeal hearing in London on Friday.

Mr Jerome, a scaffolder of Thornton Heath, south London, had been part of a convoy of vehicles featuring in the music video which involved driving in a loop around Brixton Market when he was attacked, judges heard.

He was on his Yamaha NT7 motorbike waiting at traffic lights in between a bus and a lime green Lamborghini when he was set upon.

The court heard that McNeil rode a Santander bike in the opposite direction of the traffic before leaping off, holding a Rambo-style knife in the air, and using it to stab Mr Jerome in the chest.

Paramedics rushed to the scene but Mr Jerome had been stabbed in the heart and could not be saved.

McNeil admitted murder, attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon.

He made rap videos bragging about his life of crime and boasted of his skill with knives in a film made a week after the murder.

Mr Jerome was filming his video using a convoy of flash vehicles including a Lamborghini 

Prosecutor Oliver Glasgow, QC, told the court that the convoy had encroached on the territory of a local street gang to which McNeil belonged.

‘At 17 minutes past eight that evening whilst the vehicles were stopped at traffic lights by Brixton Station the convoy was set upon by a group of five males.

‘It was clearly planned since the attackers targeted the vehicles and their occupants.

‘McNeil stabbed him to death with a large Rambo style knife.'

The killer tried to stab another victim, Romain Gayle, seated on the quad bike, but missed.

At the time of his sentencing, Judge Sarah Munro, QC, told him: ‘Shane Jerome was adored by his family, by his long-standing girlfriend and by his friends, many of whom are here today to pay their respects to him and to see you punished for snuffing out his life.

‘He had no convictions and unlike you there is not a shred of evidence that he was involved in any criminal or gang activity.

‘Loved ones are here today and their grief is tangible in this court.'

The judge referred to the courage of Mr Jerome's girlfriend, Seleka Gathercole, who spoke in court about what she had gone through.

‘She had to undergo the indescribable horror of seeing you kill the love of her life right before her eyes. She was right there.

‘They planned to marry and were planning very shortly to start a family.

‘That is but a snapshot of the young man you killed and of the impact of what you did upon those who knew and loved him.'

Turning to McNeil's actions, Judge Munro continued: ‘You on the other hand are embroiled in the gang culture which is endemic in parts of this city.

‘You stabbed him in the heart. You were on the attack and acting in full and free will.'

Judge Munro said McNeil had been involved with a gang and 'must' have believed that people involved in the video were linked with rivals - although there was no evidence any were.



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